In addition to Kellog School of Management and Portland State University masters degrees in Business Administration and Cognitive Science, INSPIRATIONWORKS, LLC, is a certified coach by Yale University School of Medicine. Our practical approach is based on our decades of experience in line management positions in major organizations as well as our experience in the most effective and current methods of adult learning and transformation. Our clients receive education, practice, and practical tools from each coaching session along with application of the tools to current successes and challenges. Our individual coaching services provide the customization, guidance, and accountability expected in the coaching relationship. Our executive coaching/mentoring is grounded in our own experience in driving bottom line results and structured for tangible and immediate effectivess.
Responses from our coaching clients:
"I must tell you [working with you] is one of the best courses in personal and professional development I have taken in my career. The lessons learned...can be applied in both my personal and professional life."--Vice President OHSU
"I don't know how to express how valuable I have found the information and how enjoyable our time together has been. Obviously, a great deal of knowledge, experience and organization went into developing the course. This is the best material I have come across for learning how to conduct myself, as myself, in difficult work situations. I look forward to having a chance to practice what I've learned. I hope to make you proud." -- Senior Manager OHSU
"Both you and Roger have been so kind and so beneficial to me as a person, as a professional and as a leader. I really appreciate the validation along the way. You guys are great and offer invaluable services."--Fire Chief Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
"I was so impressed with your ability to listen. You zeroed in so quickly on the relevant factors impacting the situation."--Director Software Development Company
"I appreciate you and Roger beyond measure! I can't imagine where we'd be today without what you've brought to us!!"--Owner Fix Auto
Organizational Consulting
What's Missing In The Workplace Landmark research by James L, Heskett et al, at the Harvard Business School, has shown that the most significant contributing factor to an organization's success is employee loyalty. The research indicates that employee loyalty drives customer loyalty, which in turn is proven to generate the biggest portion of an organization's income in the form of return or annuity buisness. Employee loyalty yields customer loyalty yields repeat business that yields bottom line profits....
The EQ WorkoutTM: Emotional Intelligence to Manage Stress Tone your EQ MusclesTM and create your own emotional intelligence fitness routine in this one-day workout session focused on managing stress. Learn to quiet the emotional noise of current events and life's pressures... in order to get back to results in leadership, sales, and personal and professional relationships. Invest in a day of EQ practice and then reinforce that practice with two followup personal coaching sessions. Right-brain emotional intelligence (measured in EQ, like IQ is the measure of left-brain intelligence) is the ability to manage emotional noise. Now more than ever managing the noise is key.
Based on our Portland State University Communication Skills Course Practical Skills For Improving Emotional Intelligence
At INSPIRATIONWORKS we view the development of emotional intelligence more like physical muscle building than studying for a high test score. Our physical muscles make up a complex system that allows us to walk, run, sit, stand, breathe, lift, bend. Our model of emotional intelligence sees the complex muscles that allow us to persevere, respond authentically, connect with others effectively, bounce back from setbacks, risk, create, and experience life more richly. There are tools like free-weights, universal gym, exercise bike, balance ball, to help tone your physical muscles. And there are tools for toning EQ MusclesTM. That's what we'll use in the one-day EQ WorkoutTM, so that you can put together your own EQ fitness program using seven practical tools.
Enjoy a jam-packed day practicing seven tools to increase your EQ! Then benefit from two individual coaching sessions to focus on personalized skills.
Join past participants representing Intel, Nike, Wells Fargo, Adidas, Kaiser, Hewlit Packard, Fiskars, American Red Cross, OHSU, Bullivant, City of Portland, Columbia Sportswear, Standard Insurance, Bonneville Power Administration, US Forest Service, Providence St. Vincent Hospital, Port of Portland, State Farm, Housing Authority of Portland and many others.
Understand the natural thinking process in assessing circumstances and interactions and apply it to preparing for future events.
Learn a method to bounce back from the large and small setbacks of work and home life.
Practice a concrete tool to uncover obstacles in avoiding setback recurrence as well as a tool for recovering quickly.
Learn a process to handle emotionally explosive people.
Practice a simple model for communicating difficult messages while minimizing the emotional noise.
Set effective frameworks to achieve satisfying interactions and relationships.
Develop your own personal program, an intervention, for self-care in times of severe stress.
Coping with Work and Family StressTM
A Workplace Prevention Intervention
INSPIRATIONWORKS, LLC is certified to deliver a program established by Yale University School of Medicine and a Designated Model Program by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSA). Organizations implementing the program achieved the following results:
16% increase in the use of active behavioral coping skills
15% increase in the use of social support coping
33% reduction in avoidance coping (e.g. "I avoided doing anything about the situation.")
17% reduction in social withdrawal coping (e.g. "I avoided being with people")
18% reduction among a female sample and 11% reduction in a male and female sample in depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints
Course Description: The spectrum of documented stress-related problems among workers is extensive, ranging from psychological symptoms, including depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints to substance abuse to physical health problems such as heart disease, hypertension, and obesity. These problems are costly to employers, employees and their families as well as to society at large. It is estimated that in the workplace, billions of dollars are lost each year in diminished productivity, high rates of absenteeism, and reduced performance resulting from these types of stress-related problems.
Coping With Work and Family Stress: A Workplace Preventive Intervention is a comprehensive group intervention specifically designed to prevent stress-related problems among workers. Through a combination of brief presentations, small and large group discussions, and experiential exercises, employees learn a broad array of coping strategies to address stressful situations at home, work, and on the interface between home and work. Sessions are grouped under six major components: The Stress Model and Multiple Roles, Problem Solving and Utilization of Social Support, Effective Communication, Cognitive Restructuring and Self-Monitoring, Approaches to Stress Management, and Developing an Individual Stress Management Plan.
Coping With Work and Family Stress has been rigorously researched and proven to be effective at decreasing depression, anxiety, somatic complaints, and substance abuse. It has also been evaluated by an independent body using stringent selection criteria, and as a result, was designated with Model Program status by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as one of only five workplace Model Programs nationally. Coping With Work and Family Stress has been offered to both male and female employees from diverse ethnic backgrounds and occupational groups and in a wide range of private sector worksites including telecommunications, manufacturing, utilities, and service industries, as well as private, nonprofit organizations.
S-EQ™: Tapping Your Emotional Intelligence To Improve Sales Results Successful client relationships depend on our S-EQ™, our sales emotional intelligence. Learn new tools to improve and use your S-EQ™. Experience the practical tools that can be used daily to jumpstart your sales year.
ASTD International Conference & Exposition - Washington DC Inspiration InCorporation™: Supporting the Human SQ Dimension at Work What's missing in the workplace? Spirituality, a core human need and hunger, currently has little fulfillment in daily work life. Yet the engagement and creativity that emerges in an atmosphere that supports and nurtures the human spirit is rewarding not only to the individual worker but rewarding to the organization made up of spirited employees. Supporting the spiritual dimension "SQ" at work in addition to EQ and IQ can be a repeatable practice with ROI for the individual and the organization. Learn how a non-denominational spiritual communication practice, a structure for connecting human spirits, impacted one of Jim Collins' "good-to-great" companies among many others. Learn the seven spiritual muscles that can be exercised on a routine basis to engage the whole employee.
ASTD International Conference & Exposition - Atlanta Applying EQ to Survive and Thrive
Our workplace communities are being transformed by historic, demographic and psychological influences. We are entering a new Age of Meaning where people are increasingly driven by meaning and purpose in their work. Professionals need to understand how emotional intelligence (EQ) creates the engagement necessary to survive and thrive in tough times. "EQ may be the best predictor of success in life, redefining what it means to be smart". - Time Magazine, October 2005 Emotional intelligence is now widely accepted as key to leadership effectiveness. It is also an untapped opportunity for greater productivity, creativity, and satisfaction - both personally and at work. There is much to be understood in how to apply EQ as more research now indicates that developing emotional intelligence can positively impact sales results, health costs, and employee retention - to name just a few. In addition, as more and more organizations ready themselves for a widespread reduction of the baby-boomer workforce, learning about emotional intelligence can be a resource to help address this intellectual capital challenge. Learning about emotional intelligence, however, is different from improving emotional intelligence. You will experience practical tools that can be effectively applied to actually increase emotional intelligence. The leading-edge skills presented in this interactive session are critical to two areas of expertise in the ASTD Competency Model for Learning and Performance: improving human performance and facilitating organizational change.
Light My Fire: International Conference North American Simulation And Game Association-Vancouver, B.C. I'm Feelin' It!: Maximize Your Competitive Edge With Emotional Intelligence With the growing interest in emotional intelligence (EQ) and the awareness that success and happiness are affected by (and dependent on ??) EQ, there is a need to learn practical and fun methods to increase emotional intelligence. Participants experienced the difference between learning about EQ and actually improving their own emotional intelligence by playing a game designed to increase their EQ.
ASTD Regional Conference Panel Roger and Valerie were selected to create a panel presentation and discussion "Designing the Workplace you Want: Using Emotional Intelligence to Improve Employee Engagement and Productivity."
Senior representatives from high tech (Intel), banking (Wells Fargo), health care (OHSU), the non-profit sector (Institute for Police Leaders) and consulting (INSPIRATIONWORKS) industries discussed the value of building employee engagement by improving emotional intelligence skills in their organizations and the impact on productivity and profitability. Panelists discussed their experiences and their results in efforts to improve emotional intelligence in the workplace.